Love God
Love people
Make disciples
Be His witness.

Love God, love people, make disciples, be His witness.

ALL Donations go directly to the work of making disciples

Our mission is to glorify the Lord by providing sound Biblical teaching and supporting those in need. This is accomplished only through donation support and volunteers. Our commitment is to allocate and distribute contributions fully as assigned by the donor. We are committed to maximizing the use of every resource the Lord makes available for His work. We strive to keep all expenses low so that donated funds are used to help those who need them most. We do not take any salaries and minimal administrative costs are covered independent of designated donations.        

Physical Projects to Spiritual Followship

Examples of our Purpose,Mission,Strategy,Calling,Commission In Action.

Help These Symposiums Continue!

Your support will continue the discipleship expansion. Each symposium has a cost to print workbooks and assist with travel.

Map of Our Partner Symposiums

    Nairobi Partner Symposium
    Nairobi, Kenya
    Mombasa Partner Symposium
    Mombasa, Kenya
    Arusha Partner Symposium
    Arusha, Tanzania
    Rwanda Partner Symposium
    Kampala Partner Symposium
    Kampala, Uganda
    Kissi Partner Symposium
    Kissi, Kenya
    Seeta Nazigo Partner Symposium
    Seeta Nazigo, Uganda
    Jinja Partner Sympooium
    Jinja, Uganda
    Kajiato Partner Sympooium
    Kajiato, Kenya
    Karagwe Partner Sympooium
    Karagwe, Tanzania
    Muranga Partner Sympooium
    Muranga, Kenya
    Mbarara Partner Sympooium
    Mbarara, Kenya
    Busia Partner Sympooium
    Busia, Kenya