Mark Cooper

Founder / President

Mark is the founder and president of justBible Ministries, and the author of numerous Bible studies and devotionals. Mark is an ordained Chaplain who previously worked at Samaritan’s Purse after a successful executive career in truck manufacturing with PACCAR Inc. Mark holds a Bachelor degree in Engineering from Washington State University and a Master degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. Beyond his academic and business experience, Mark’s life lessons are derived from forty-one years of marriage, raising two daughters, being a grandfather, and traveling the world.

Mark has spoken, taught, and preached in multiple venues domestically and internationally. His versatility to address various forums is demonstrated by his experience speaking at; Dallas Theological Seminary Student Chapel, Pastor Symposiums, Business Conferences, Sunday Morning Services, Bible Studies, and Training Seminars.

​Mark’s passion is to use the gift God has blessed him with by motivating and inspiring the Lord’s disciples through teaching and preaching His Word.

Mark has authored the book: Baptism of Grace. 

Baptism: is it from man or from heaven?

The same question Jesus asked the Pharisees in Matthew 21:25 is the same question that must be answered today.

This is a book for the committed follower of Christ and not the casual inquirer. It is an examination into the comprehensive truth of what the Bible teaches regarding God’s administration of baptism upon His people.

Mark performs a deep analysis of God instilling His grace on His followers through a five-fold baptism: with living water, the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, fire, and Christ’s blood. He challenges the reader to move past common elementary understandings and to grasp the mature Biblical concept of one gracious (five-fold) baptism from God.

At the conclusion of this book, the reader will appreciate the impact of what God does for us through His lavish grace. 

Jesus calls his disciples to be his followers. Yet many Christians attempt to integrate Jesus’ call to followship with the world’s desire to use power and control from a position of leadership. Cooper argues that something similar has happened with baptism. Although Christian traditions agree that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, they tend to integrate a long list of works into the process of growth in godliness. Water baptism is often one of those works. Some require baptism for church membership. Many require a particular mode of baptism at a specific time. Others require re-baptism if those requirements are not met. How did the gracious gift of God turn into a set of practices demanded of Christ’s followers?

From a study of the ways “baptism” is used in Scripture, Cooper argues that the major focus in the Bible is on baptism of grace, wherein God immerses his people in his grace. Thus, the focus should be on the gracious gift we have received rather than on a human work performed in or with or by water. Although many Christians will continue to see the value and purpose of baptism in water, Cooper helpfully calls attention back to the gracious gift from a gracious God. Instead of arguments about how much water and the mode of application, Christians can rest in the grace they have received from the God who loves them with a pure and holy love.

Glenn R. Kreider, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief of Bibliotheca Sacra
Acting Chair Department of Theological Studies
Professor of Theological Studies